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Friday, November 26, 2010

Giving thanks

Being thankful on Thanksgiving should be a no-brainer, right?  It's eeeeeassssyyyyy to be thankful on Thanksgiving.  What is wrong with you (or ME) if we're not?  I AM thankful for I have been blessed with a lot.  A lot of great people, all my physical needs, job, car, food, family, friends, new church, health, and lots more. 

But what about pain?  Can I really choose to be thankful for that today?  God tells me in His Word that I should be.  We are called to be thankful in ALL circumstances, always giving praise and thanks to our Lord  & Saviour Jesus Christ.  Lord, I am thankful but most days I sure wish you would take away my pain.  That may or may not happen on this side of heaven but I know He endured more emotional, spiritual, and physical pain that I will more than likely never experience.  So when my heart is breaking, I am choosing to remember how God's heart broke a million times over for my sin. 

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