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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow Days

We have just survived the blizzard of 2011!  Locally we received over 20 inches of snow and over 60 mph winds.  The winds were crazy and rattled this house.  Kept waking me up overnight.  We awoke in the morning to over 4 foot snow drifts blocking our front door and garage doors.  Third biggest snowstorm for Chicago in recorded history.  Crazy! 

I finally ventured out this afternoon for dome drive-thru lunch for me and the girls.  Was missing civilization.  I could not believe the incredible amounts of snow everywhere!!  Snow covers absolutely everything.  Katey is as happy as can be.  She had a blast playing in it yesterday.  Today we have -10 degree wind chills, so no playing outside.  She was not happy! 

I spent my two days off from work catching up on laundry (over 5 loads I think), watching DVR shows (Brothers & Sisters), and movies (Social Network and Elizabeth: The Golden Age).  Plus shoveling and refereeing two little girls!  Have REALLY enjoyed being off these past 2 days but a little part of me wants to go back to the daily routine.  And going back to work on a Friday will be easy with the weekend ahead!  :)

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